Monday, September 29, 2008

Harvard Infosession

Yesterday (08.9.24) I've attended HBS information session in Shanghai. To my surprise, and to many others', the condition of the meeting room could hardly meet our expectation of Harvard. Anyway, this did not prevent people to show their enthusiasm to this top school which made G.W. Bush.

Actually I wanted to ask the alumni panel their opinion about Bush as an alum of HBS. But finally I dropped this question, on one side because I thought it could be too offensive, and on the other side I didn't think I could get good answer from this intelligent guys. Another question I wanted to ask was what books they have read recently. Espeically I wondered whether they had read a book written by a recent HBS graduate, telling anecdotes and bad boys during his HBS life. Again, I was not lucky enough to have the mic.

Overall, although the room is too shabby to hold HBS's reputation, the characters of the alumni presented were quite impressive. They all had strong self-confident. Sometimes the self-confidence could be mistaken as arrogance. One guy was from Tsinghua and HBS 97 graduate. He was COO of Yitang before and now in charge of a logistics company. HBS's PEVC is just too strong. I think he is really good at fund-raising and develop start up according to venture capitalists' appetite, especially those from HBS.

The other two alumni were from VCPE and corporate respectively. I didn't have much time to talk with them. Overall, reputation matters. Everybody emphasized the value of network instead of what they learned in the class. Maybe it's because everyone is already smart enough, knowledge itself become needless to mention. And one interesting point, HBS people only mention Stanford. Wharton was not heard.

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Pudong, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Project manager