Sunday, December 03, 2006

SoundTex Was Beated By Some Local Nonwovens?

In our business center in Shanghai, people have long been complaining about the weak sound insulation between rooms. I even doubt that there is no sound insulation materials behind the walls and ceilings.

Last weekend, finally, the landlord decided to replace the sound insulation materials and I got the chance to see what's the secret behind the walls.

To my surprise, they took out from the ceiling many small dark grey fabrics with the logo SoundTex. I was told that they were going to replace SoundTex with some voluminous nonwovens, which look less decent and are probably from some Chinese local supplier.

I examined the removed SoundTex a little bit. They are thin like paper, coated. I am not sure the composition of it, but I just wonder whether this thin material can act as a sound barrier. On the contrary, the nonwovens the workers use are more like the EcoZero product from Politex, my company.

Today, when I sit in the office, I do find that I have more privacy. The neighbor's talk cannot easily be heard any more. Possibly, SoundTex was defeated by the voluminous nonwovens.

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About Me

Pudong, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Project manager