Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Value of Assistant

Today, I looked for some executive assistant positions for a friend in Shanghai. The result looks interesting since from the requirement to the salary the jobs vary a lot. While some employers look for candidates with a college degree, paying less than 3000 rmb per month, the other look for people with 5 years or more experience or even with a MBA from oversea school, willing to pay more than 12000 rmb per month.

Just as in every market, the requirement for an assistant depends on the employer's expectation and affordability. In my opinion, American and European companies, esp. starting ups in China are more willing to invest on a highly eligible assistant position, and normally want to coach the person into a general management position. On the contrary, small foreign investor from HK or Taiwan tend to squeeze the budget and normally a candidate with college degree can meet be the fit.

So look out if you meet someone with an assistant title. In some case, an assistant is more expensive than an associate in the job market. And when you are looking for a job to ease your economic pressure, don't even overlook such positions just because of their name, assistant. Sometimes, there are really good deals after the 'Ace'.

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About Me

Pudong, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Project manager