Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lesson Learnt From a Phone Call to Supplier

Today I called a supply trying to persuade him to solve the quality problem. But it nearly became a dispute. After, when I think over the talk with him, I found that some mistakes by me have led to this trouble.

1) lack of tactics when I started and developed the conversation

2) I should not make him feel blamed. As Carnege said, scolding cannot solve problem. Everyone will think he himself is the last one to be blamed.

3) I should learn more about communication and improve my inter-personal skill.

Monday, May 26, 2008


1983年的上海很繁华, 比现在有感觉, 更像是国外呢…

































Movie - Crash (2004)



A movie about ethnic groups collision in the US. Oscar 2006.

I watched this movie several years ago when I was still in university. It gave me an impression that the US society is full of social conflicts and misunderstanding among different ethnic groups. The memory about this movie is fading. But today when I pick up the book The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, it comes to my mind that what is the real picture of ethnic problem in the US like.

I will try to know more by reading comments on this movie.

Monday, May 19, 2008







Further Readings

  建筑物增一度防震 成本增两成








Saturday, May 17, 2008

建材渠道:走K/A还是做传统 (zz)




  让我们来看看G公司2003年的一些销售数据:G公司2003年整个营业额比2002年增长30%,而K/A渠道同比增长高达58%;2003年K/A渠道营业额占整个营业额不到5% ,但单位销售成本K/A渠道是传统渠道的3.5倍。这个数字让公司国外同事们又困惑又沮丧,要知道在西方,G公司K/A渠道营业额占整个营业额的比例超出60%。


  K/A建材渠道更多的是满足大量个人消费需求。仓储式建材大卖场起源于西方国家,很大程度上是为了满足西方人“DIY – 自己动手”的生活方式所带来需求。在过去3年,超过2000万的德国人重新改造了他们的房屋,2004年有4000万人计划改造自己的房屋,其中70%的人打算自己动手。建材民用和家庭市场的需求是巨大的。事实上,建筑装饰材料在西方已成为一种个人消费品,建材大卖场中的免费讲座、餐厅、儿童乐园等都是为个人消费者准备的。


  从表一中我们可以看到:在建材大卖场的客户中,自己管辖的装潢公司和外来中小装潢公司占购买者总数的69%左右,个人购买仅占31%。很显然,在中国这是一个以集团采购为主的市场。事实上,建筑装饰材料在中国,基本上偏向于工业品特征,其购买消费行为受中间人员的影响较大 (品种不同,影响的大小也不同。例如卫生洁具、涂料、瓷砖等中间人员影响相对较小;而水泥、纸面石膏板等基础建材中间人员影响更大),即便个人购买的那部分,也几乎没有西方式的“DIY – 自己动手”,而是交给装潢公司来施工。这是中国和西方在建材消费结构上非常不同的地方。前者主要是集团采购而后者主要个人消费。在中国,对装修公司的赊账销售是正规建材大卖场最大的风险,加上工程销售中存在很多暗箱操作,这让建材K/A渠道在中国的发展举步维艰,由于持现金购买的民用和家庭市场的巨大需求还未真正形成,中国的建材大卖场目前缺乏做大的土壤。而传统建材渠道往往更注重与装饰公司的长期关系,除提供灵活的赊账政策外,关键还在于价格不透明, 能保证装饰公司在材料上的利润空间,这就是传统渠道存在的价值,特别是在个人消费低的二三线城市,更是大有作为。

  从购买原因和结果来看,在建材大卖场的销售人员推荐十分重要,占71%左右的比例,排名第一,曾用过该产品和业内人士的推荐分别占到第二和第三位,冲动性购买很少,广告促销、品牌知名度、产品陈列等在大卖场中对消费品销售有很大促进的手段,对G公司产品的销售几乎影响甚微。说到底,建材消费在中国受集团采购的消费行为特征影响较大,促销手段以一对一顾问式销售为主, 购买方更多考虑产品质量和采购风险, 所以购买者曾用过该产品和业内人士的推荐也很重要。


  当然,在中国的特大型城市,例如北京、上海、广州等,建筑装饰材料会愈来愈体现出个人消费品的特征。我们有理由相信:建材在中国成为个人消费品的那一天也是 K/A建材大卖场成为名副其实的重要客户的那一天。



mike 发表于 2006-5-25 11:00:47




□ 记者 何世国











   一家小家装公司的总经理深有感慨地说:“我们深知设计师吃回扣的危害所以在我们公司内部是严禁这样的事情发生的发现一个我们就处理一个。 当然也有一些设计师浑水摸鱼。设计师吃回扣的现象还是多发生在一些无资质的家装公司和马路游击队里。”








mike 发表于 2006-7-5 18:43:40

  让我们先来看看一项装修工程费用是如何进行分配的。 一般家装公司拿30左右,自己只拿到5%到10%,剩下的一半用在工费上,一半左右用在料上。如此计算下来,如果请一个家装公司包工包料做装修,那么消费者实际用到装修的费用在60%左右。按照工料对半的原则,实际用在材料方面的费用仅有30%左右。如果家装公司稍稍贪心一点,再想多赚个3个点、5个点的话,那么消费者最后用在家装材料上的费用,恐怕连30%也难以保住。



mike 发表于 2006-7-5 18:39:36

设计师 J:不管真正要花多少钱,只要让报价低于业主的期望值,就容易签单,实际价格等签单后再做调整。以下几点要注意:“一定要隐藏实际工作量”、“单价一定要高”、“施工工艺一定要含糊不清”、“材料最好不注明品牌、厂家、等级”。只要做到以上几点,签单后再调整工作量易如反掌。
设计师 Y:为了给顾客留出充分的空间侃价,我在与他交涉的各个环节中尽量为他“清除障碍”。比如,在签单时一不小心漏掉一项,像防水这样的项目可以给他省下不少钱的。当然在施工过程中,顾客肯定会同意我们把这项加上去的。再比如,量房过程中,为了给顾客省钱,将量房的尺子拉紧点,少给他算点,面积一下来钱自然就下来了。但是,按照合同中的约定,施工的价钱是要按实际完成的工作量来计算的,因此他总不能违约不交补做项目的费用吧。虽然有些顾客的报价由 15000元升至 25000元,但是顾客没有理由拒付。即便是顾客在施工中不愿意增加项目做超出合同的工程,我的单也已经签了。
工长 M:别看那些教授老板们学识渊博,见识多。俗话说得好,隔行如隔山。再精明的客人他的算盘也算不过我。来到建材市场,一应俱全的材料面前,我们可以尽情施展“行家本事”。“这是一级木工板, 是我们在做某某地方时要用到的材料。”我边向客户介绍的同时,材料商就顺利地得到了我的示意。接下来我和材料商一唱一和,“ 80元,同一等级最低价了。”在我对材料价格的一句认同之后,业主心满意足地得到“最廉价”的材料。当然,我也得到了我想要的……如果客人全权委派我一人购料。市场上那些包装精良看上去很美的材料(假冒一级品),通常会成为我的首选用来以次充好。



偷梁换柱里应外合 业内老板自曝装修“内幕”
mike 发表于 2006-7-5 18:37:44



mike 发表于 2006-5-25 10:22:26


黑幕一 著名公司施工队长揽私活大搞豆腐渣工程




黑幕二 施工预算变宰人预算




黑幕三 高价设计师“堆砌了一堆建材”




特别提醒 家装价格 陷阱花样多














Monday, May 12, 2008

Wenchuan - Earthquake

Earthquake in Wenchuan

I have been to this region last October.


Some pictures from Yingxiu on May. 13, 2008 by travelling witnesses.

Friday, May 09, 2008


Test proxy

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Ecozero Competition

Underlayment (under floor)


  application dimension price main charactersitics example
铺垫宝underfloor residential underfloor
14rmb/m2 (taobao)
26rmb/m2 (taobao)
  • 承重达25吨/米2,即使长期家具重压也不会使地板系统凹陷变形。
  • 自动找平。对凸凹、粗糙不平的地面,可以自动找平。
  • 环保、脚感好,踩踏地板有轻微的柔感,舒适自然;
  • 防虫、抗腐的环保材料,
  • 保温。隔离地面凉气,可以放心睡卧在地板上,有利于保持室内温度且减少空调开启,节省电耗。
  • 防潮。隔绝地坪潮气,保护地板,有利于身体健康。
XPS板(国产) 普遍使用于屋面保温隔热系统、冷冻库、墙体内外的保温隔热 90cm(L)x60cm(W)x10cm(H) 14rmb/m2
  • XPS板的导热系数0.028w/mk,远远低于其它的保温材料,因此具有高热阻,低线性膨胀率的特点。
  • 极低的吸水率。
  • 绝好的抗压强度。
家庭住宅用屋面隔音玻璃棉板   120cm(L)x60cm(W)x5cm(H) - 48kg/m3 31rmb/m2 玻璃棉板为长方形板材,有各种容重可供选择,一般作隔热材料使用的基本上都属于“2b”号离心玻璃保温板,其纤维平均直径在7微米左右,可经济有效地满足保温隔热要求,每个规格分贴面和无贴面两种,均有质轻、抗磨损、有韧性的特点,用于各种不规则形状表面,有效地节约能源,减少热损失,降低运行成本,正确安装玻璃棉板能有效地降低声波的传递。 image
Owens Corning


20m(L)x1.2m(W)x5cm(H) 35rmb/m2
  • 优异的保温性能与吸声降噪性能
  • 轻质高效,减轻建筑负荷
  • 纤维细长,不含渣球,使用寿命长,抗振吸声效果更佳
  • 安装更快捷,施工更健康
  • 储运方便,节约费用
  • 外观漂亮,环保健康




容重 kg/m3 24、32、40、48、56、64、80、96
厚度 mm 15、20、25、30、40、50、75、100
尺寸 mm 1200*600



厚度(毫米) 48公斤/立方米
56公斤/立方米 64公斤/立方米 96公斤/立方米
25 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
40 1.2 1.2 1.2 -
50 1.5 1.5 1.6 -








Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Single-ply Roofing in the US (By Zhu Dongqing)




来源:中国建材报 (2008-04-21 第4883号)

Safety Concerns about Fiberglass


Facts About Fiberglass (Source: www.lungusa.org)

What is Fiberglass
Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe?
What Steps Do I Take To Reduce Exposure?
Installation and Clean-Up

What is Fiberglass

Fiberglass is a man-made product that is composed of natural ingredients such as sand and recycled products such as window glass and bottles. The ingredients are melted and spun to create small strands of fiberglass that together form "glass wool".

Fiberglass insulation has been used since the 1930s and is now the most widely used home insulator. As an energy saver, fiberglass insulation saves the consumer money and helps keep buildings warm in winter and cool in the summer. Insulation saves energy and reduces the demand for new power plants, which reduces emissions of air pollutants to the environment and helps prevent global warming. To maximize energy efficiency, it is important to reduce air leaks that may occur around any areas in your home that are not sealed. These may include windows; doors; fireplaces; heating, ventilation and air conditioning ductwork; and perimeter joints. Leaks can be controlled with the use of housewrap, caulking and sealing of areas with leaks.

Fiberglass insulation also helps control noise in buildings, cars, and appliances. Fiberglass insulation is commonly used in furnaces and duct systems that deliver air to occupied buildings and homes and effectively minimizes transmission of noise.

Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe?

Yes, fiberglass building insulation is safe when it is properly installed.

Direct contact with fiberglass materials or exposure to airborne fiberglass dust may irritate the skin, eyes, nose and throat. Fiberglass can cause itching due to mechanical irritation from the fibers. This is not an allergic reaction to the material. Breathing fibers may irritate the airways resulting in coughing and a scratchy throat. Some people are sensitive to the fibers, while others are not. Fiberglass insulation packages display cancer warning labels. These labels are required by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) based on determinations made by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

  • 1994- NTP listed fiberglass as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" based on animal data.
  • 1998- The American Conference of Govern- mental Industrial Hygienists reviewed the available literature and concluded glass wool to be "carcinogenic in experimental animals at a relatively high dose, by route(s) of administra- tion, at site(s), of histologic type(s) or by mechanism(s) that are not considered relevant to worker exposures".
  • 1999- OSHA and the manufacturers volunta- rily agreed on ways to control workplace exposures to avoid irritation. As a result, OSHA has stated that it does not intend to regulate exposure to fiberglass insulation. The voluntary agreement, known as the Health & Safety Partnership Program includes a recom- mended exposure level of 1.0 fiber per cubic centimeter (f/cc) based on an 8-hour workday and provides comprehensive work practices.
  • 2000- The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) reported that epidemiological studies of glass fiber manufacturing workers indicate "glass fibers do not appear to increase the risk of respiratory system cancer". The NAS supported the exposure limit of 1.0 f/cc that has been the industry recommendation since the early 1990s.
  • 2001- The IARC working group revised their previous classification of glass wool being a possible carcinogen. It is currently considered not classifiable as a human carcinogen. Studies done in the past 15 years since the previous report was released, do not provide enough evidence to link this material to any cancer risk.

What Steps Can I Take to Reduce Exposure?

There are several ways you can minimize exposure to fiberglass material. Be sure to "work smart” when insta- lling fiberglass insulation in your home. Follow similar safety steps any time you remove fiberglass insulation or undertake a home improvement project that involves working with or around fiberglass insulation.

During installation follow the directions on the package as well as these safety steps:


  • Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved clothing and long pants.
  • Do not tape sleeves or pants at wrists or ankles.
  • Wear gloves.
  • Do not scratch or rub your skin if fiberglass particles accumulate on your skin.
  • When you finish, wash skin or shower with mild soap and warm, running water.


  • Wear safety glasses with side shields.
  • Wear a hat.
  • Do not rub your eyes while you are working with fiberglass. Be sure to complete clean up before rubbing your eyes or scratching your skin.

Nose, Mouth, and Throat

If you experience irritation of the nose, mouth, or throat you should consider wearing an "N 95" particulate respirator approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. If you are working in a dusty environ- ment, or are working with fiberglass insulation overhead, a disposable dust respirator may be a good idea. Be sure to read and follow the respirator manufacturer's instructions regarding selection and proper use of respirators. Most home improvement stores sell these types of disposable respirators.

Installation and Clean-Up

Follow these steps and be sure to read and follow manufacturer's instructions carefully.

  • Keep your workspace clean.
  • Do not handle fiberglass scrap more than necessary. Have a waste bin or plastic trash bag close by at all times.
  • Use correct cutting tools such as a sharp utility knife and a straight edge.
  • When cleaning your work area, be orga- nized in your approach so that you do not spread fibers back into an area you have cleaned previously.
  • Make sure all installed insulation is never left exposed in an occupied area. If the insulation does not have any protective covering or facing, it may cause irritation to anyone coming into direct contact with the glass fibers. If the insulation has a paper or foil covering it presents a potential fire hazard.
  • Change work clothes after you finish your fiberglass insulation project.
  • Wash work clothes separately and wipe out washer after cycle is complete.
  • As with any other building material the fiberglass insulation has to be clean and dry. If insulation is wet, it can become contaminated with mold.
  • If a remodeling project involves removal of fiberglass insulation, follow the installa- tion safety steps listed above.


Is Fiberglass A Health Hazard?

(Source: http://www.toolboxtopics.com/Gen%20Industry/Is%20Fiberglass%20a%20Health%20Hazard.htm)

Everyone has heard about the association between lung cancer and asbestos. Since some forms of asbestos are similar in appearance to fiberglass fibers, many people wonder if handling fiber-glass could also result in the development of cancer or other serious health hazards. Scientists have made over 400 studies of fiberglass in an attempt to answer this question. The conclusion is that it will not, because its properties are very different from asbestos. OSHA confirmed these findings in 1991 when it decided to regulate fiberglass as a nuisance dust, and not as a cancer causing agent. The state of California, neverthless, still requires that fiberglass be labeled as a potential cancer causing agent.
The principal difference between glass fibers and asbestos fibers is their size and the way the fibers break down. Glass fibers are cylindrical single fibers that can never split lengthwise; they only break across the fiber. As they break, they form tiny fragments that no longer have the properties of a fiber. Asbestos fibers, on the other hand, are always present as bundles, never as a single fiber. Asbestos fibers fracture only lengthwise when the bundles break apart, releasing thousands of long tiny fibers. When these are inhaled, they become trapped in the small sacs of the lungs known as alveoli. Because asbestos fibers are long, sharp, and irritating to lung tissue, the alveoli close up and trap them in the lungs. This eventually results in the lungs becoming hard, fibrous and inelastic. Over time, the continued irritations cause cancer in some individuals.
Because fiberglass breaks across the fiber to form tiny fragments, the tissue response is very different when these particles are inhaled. When fiberglass fragments are inhaled and deposited in the small air sacs of the lung, the alveoli do not close up and trap the particles. The particles are expelled from the alveoli and there is a rapid clearance of fiberglass dust particles from the lungs.
However, fiberglass presents other problems-such as irritations of the eyes, skin, or respiratory tract. The mechanical action of the fibers scraping against skin may cause a condition known as dermatitis. To protect yourself, wear long sleeve shirts and pants to keep the fibers off your skin, and wear clean clothes every day. Gloves and eye protection may also help. Use soap and warm water to remove any fibers that you do get on your skin. Dust is produced when mat or cloth is rolled out, where chopper guns are used, and in finishing operations where flashing is removed or sanding occurs. So always wear a dust mask in these areas to help avoid inhaling glass fibers.

The primary hazard associated with fiberglass is the chemicals used during the fabrication or lay up process. Styrene monomer, or raw resin, is catalyzed with an organic peroxide; the most common is methyl ethyl ketone peroxide. Cobalt compounds, often used as accelerators, can result in allergic dermatitis or asthma like conditions. Acetone is a central nervous system depressant used for clean up of tools, utensils, and spray equipment. The important thing to remember about these chemicals is that they are health hazards when inhaled; proper respiratory equipment must be worn and adequate ventilation provided. You should also be aware that these chemicals can form flammable or explosive concentrations at normal room temperatures, so proper handling and ventilation is essential.
Working with fiberglass material should not be dangerous if you are properly trained, and if you use appropriate protective equipment. Be sure to do so!


A Description of Fiberglass by State Compensation Insurance Fund

Occupational exposure to fiberglass occurs in the production, installation, maintenance and repair, and demolition of fiberglass materials.

Exposure to fiberglass can result from direct contact with fiberglass materials and fiberglass dust. Such contact causes irritation to the eyes, skin, upper respiratory tract, and the lungs, resulting in eye irritation, skin rash, nasal congestion, sore throat, and coughing. Irritation of the respiratory tract from fiberglass has been detected in work environments with airborne concentrations of less than 1 fiber per cubic centimeter (cc). In addition to fiberglass exposure, workers may be exposed to chemicals that are associated in the manufacturing of fiberglass products. These chemicals include:

  • Epoxy resins that are used to strengthen, harden or give flexibility to fiberglass. Inhaling epoxy resin vapors can result in shortness of breath, wheezing and tightness in the chest. Direct contact of epoxy resins with the skin can also cause rash.
  • Typically polyester resin containing styrene monomer is used in fiberglass applications. Styrene can be extremely irritating to the eyes and upper respiratory tract and can also cause headaches and dizziness.
  • Acetone and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) are commonly used chemicals in fiberglass spray-up and lay-up operations. These chemicals can be irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat. Inhaling these chemical vapors may also cause drowsiness, difficulty in breathing, and damage to the lungs and central nervous system.

The California Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for Glass (Fibrous) is 1 fiber/cc. This Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) is enforceable by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health under the California Department of Industrial Relations, Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 5155 Airborne Contaminants.

Prevention and protection measures should include the following:

  • Engineering controls, such as local exhaust ventilation, should be employed to remove contaminants out of the worker’s breathing zone, as well as the workplace environment.
  • Appropriate respiratory protection and other personal protective equipment, such as goggles, coveralls, and gloves are recommended when working with fiberglass, as well as any chemicals that are used in the manufacturing of fiberglass products.
  • Washing facilities and showers should be made available to the workers to use before they change into their street clothes.
  • HEPA vacuuming, wet sweeping, and wash down procedures are helpful in reducing the dust associated with fiberglass. Dry sweeping or any other type of clean-up methods that spreads the dust contamination should be avoided.

For further reading:

Breathing Uneasy, The Washington Post Sunday Magazine, June 22, 1997

Fiberglass: Use It With Caution!, Environ, #9 (1989), p. 17. by John Bower (Copyright 1989)

Soundproofing Ceilings

(materials from www.noisestopsystems.co.uk)



NSSC2 Ceiling Option 1+ Description

NSSC1 Sound Proofing Ceilings

18 mm Soundproofing wall board with two layer laminated panel of acoustic mineral board / high density, impregnated, sound reductive rubber membrane. Full tech spec & attenuation below (traditionally approx. 100 mm)

The resultant panel, when applied using the NoiseStop System Soundproofing method, is equivalent to an traditional acoustic infill of 100 mm thickness. The NoiseStop System method statement must be adhered to in its entirety to achieve the best sound proofing results

The panels should be skimmed and then brought to required decorative.

Ceiling Soundproofing Option 1


We recommend this method of sound insulation for airborne noise, but it can also be use for impact noise solution.

  1. Take off current plaster board to expose the joist. You will need access to your original joist to carry out the work.
  2. Place Dense Fibre Matting (DMF 100mm 100kg) into the void between joists. Cut to fit, making sure that there are no gaps.
  3. Build another layer of joist going horizontally to the original joist, with 2x2 timbers.
  4. Place Dense Fibre Matting (DMF 50mm 100kg) into the void between joists. Cut to fit, making sure that there are no gaps.
  5. Attach sound breaker bars horizontally across new joist, by screwing it into the joist. The Sound Breaker Bars has pre drill holes.
  6. Screw NSSC1+ to the Sound Breaker Bars.
  7. Skim plaster to finish. Decorate to your requirement after.
  8. You will loose a total of 100mm to 150 mm of ceiling height.

NSSC2 Ceiling Option 2+ Description

NSSC2 Option 2 Sound Proofing Ceilings

28 mm Soundproofing wall board with two layer laminated panel of acoustic mineral board / high density, impregnated, sound reductive rubber membrane. Full tech spec & attenuation below (traditionally approx. 100 mm)

The resultant panel, when applied using the NoiseStop System Soundproofing method, is equivalent to an traditional acoustic infill of 100 mm thickness. The NoiseStop System method statement must be adhered to in its entirety to achieve the best sound proofing results

The panels should be skimmed and then brought to required decorative.

Ceiling Soundproofing Option 2



DFM 100 (100kg/m3)
DFM products are manufactured to a higher density than other mineral wool slabs and provide improved Soundproofing acoustic control across a wide range of frequencies. Effective sound proofing insulation is an essential requirement for modern life styles. Excessive noise maybe from noisy neighbours can increase stress, hinder speech and can cause its own form of environmental pollution.

DFM has been proven over many years to be the ideal Soundproofing insulation material for all applications where noise attenuation or noise absorption is needed - in Soundproofing in the home / domestic, commercial, manufacturing, industrial and environmental situations. In addition to its acoustic properties, its well known thermal insulation and fire protection performance are inherent benefits. Thickness' of 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200mm are available. Prices vary accordingly. The most commonly used is the 50mm when applied inside 2"x2" stud work in wall partition constructions.

DFM 50 (140kg/m3)
DFM products are manufactured to a higher density than other mineral wool slabs and provide improved Soundproofing acoustic control across a wide range of frequencies. Effective sound proofing insulation is an essential requirement for modern life styles. Excessive noise maybe from noisy neighbours can increase stress, hinder speech and can cause its own form of environmental pollution.

DFM has been proven over many years to be the ideal Soundproofing insulation material for all applications where noise attenuation or noise absorption is needed - in Soundproofing in the home / domestic, commercial, manufacturing, industrial and environmental situations. In addition to its acoustic properties, its well known thermal insulation and fire protection performance are inherent benefits. Thickness' of 25, 50, 75, 100 and 200mm are available. Prices vary accordingly. The most commonly used is the 50mm when applied inside 2"x2" stud work in wall partition constructions.
DFM 50 Ceiling Sound Proofing


SoundBreaker Bars
Can help to reduce transmission of sound between floors and ceilings when using traditional plasterboard ceilings. Also helpful when needing to separate NoiseStop Soundproofing panels from wall structures. The bars are available in 3m lengths, 70mm wide by 15mm deep.

SoundBreaker Bars Ceiling Sound Proofing



Rw Rw+Ctr
37dB 34dB




  • Thickness:      15mm  (+1mm)
  • Size:               1200mm x 1200mm [other sizes on request]
  • Weight:           18.5kg
  • Finish:             Paper finish ready for plaster skim


  • Thickness:      17.5mm  (+1mm)
  • Size:               1200mm x 1200mm [other sizes on request]
  • Weight:           kg
  • Finish:             Paper finish ready for plaster skim


  • Thickness:      27.5mm  (+1mm)
  • Size:               1200mm x 1200mm [other sizes on request]
  • Weight:           kg
  • Finish:             Paper finish ready for plaster skim

Soundproofing Wall, Floor and Ceiling (Not Finished)

source: www.uksoundproofing.co.uk

Various sound solutions have been provided in this website in UK.

Wall Soundproofing

Floor Soundproofing

Ceiling Soundproofing


Wall Soundproofing



Solution 1: Soundstop Panels - Our most popular product due to the ease of installation and quality of results

Soundstop panels are our most popular party wall soundproofing product due to the ease of fitting and quality of the final result achieved.

Materials used in solution 1a:

Calculator: Wall Solution 1a: SoundStop Panels 52mm

Materials used in solution 1b:

Calculator: Wall Solution 1b: SoundStop Panels 52mm PLUS 15mm Acoustic Plasterboard

SoundStop noise insulation panels take advantage of advances in acoustic control technology to strike a highly effective balance between increasing the mass of the transmission wall and introducing a dampening air spring element of acoustic mineral wool. The SoundStop panels can be upgraded from providing 13db increased acoustic protection to 16 db increased acoustic protection through the addition of a 15mm layer of SoundBloc plaster board. Fitting Instructions

SoundStop is a uniquely bonded gypsum and acoustic mineral wool product, available in two sizes of thickness, which provide different degrees of soundproofing performance. It has been tested to exacting standards (BS EN ISO 140) and conforms to all UK Health and Safety regulations. The best results for soundstop panels are achieved with solid brick party walls. Breeze block walls may suffer from flanking transmission problems so any soundproofing treatments require an assessment of this possible difficulty (see glossary).

Due to the acoustic nature of stud walls and timber framed walls we would recommend a different set of treatments when upgrading these walls as described in solution 5 stud wall soundproofing.

Diagram of soundstop panels soundproofing cross section

Example results based on typical party wall construction of 100mm brick wall (45-47db)


So for example after fitting 52mm panels your wall could have a 60 db rating, which is an excellent level of acoustic privacy.

Remember these are average figures across a range of frequencies. In practice all sound proofing works better at higher frequencies.

Our solution is designed to be fitted to just your side of the wall. If you can install to the other side (the neighbours side) of the wall you will experience an even greater acoustic privacy.

Solution 2: Resilient Bars

Materials List (in case of 15sqm application area)


As with all sound insulation projects it is very important to try and introduce a resilience (a springy) layer. In this solution resilient bars are the method of decoupling the wall that you are constructing from the transmission wall i.e. the problem wall. Resilient bars are used in conjunction with acoustic mineral wool slabs and battens. The resilient bars should be attached at 400-600mm centres starting 50mm from the floor. Fitting Instructions

Resilient bars can serve to upgrade an existing stud wall or may be used on brick party walls. In terms of the ideal combination we would suggest the following construction. It should be born in mind that different combinations of materials can be used according to space and budget constraints.

Image showing cross section of a resilient bar wall

The results achieved by this construction type are excellent. As with soundstop panels acoustic insulation incorporated into floor or ceiling voids maybe necessary. The simplest method of adding acoustic insulation here is to add AMW 60 kg slabs of 100mm completely filling the void beneath floor or ceiling just adjacent to the wall.


Solution 3: Resilient bars with Acoustic membrane


The wall soundproofing described in Solution 2 construction may be further upgraded by incorporating the 1.2mm acoustic membrane, or acoustic quilt between the batten and the resilient bars. The Acoustic membrane is a new, award winning, noise insulation rubber membrane. This membrane incorporates nano vacuum technology, and hence is very light but very effective in attenuating the passage of noise. It can add a further 6+db when added to the construction described in solution 2, which given that sound reduction is measured on an exponential scale is a tangible difference (see glossary for further details). Fitting Instructions

Image showing cross section of a resilient bar wall with E-cousti membrane

The membrane is ideally added by letting it drape loose affixed to the battens or wall with the resilient bars or battens. This is simply achieved by stapling the acoustic membrane ( or acoustic quilt ) to the top of the stud wall and letting the membrane drape downwards to the floor. The resilient bars are screwed through the acoustic membrane or acoustic quilt in the normal way.


Solution 4: An independent stud wall

If you wish to buy this solution online we can calculate the materials you need. Just click the links below to be taken to the solution calculator:

50mm Stud Wall
50mm Stud Wall with optional acoustic membrane
75mm Stud Wall
75mm Stud Wall with optional acoustic membrane
100mm Stud Wall
100mm Stud Wall with optional acoustic membrane

Where the level of noise from the neighbouring wall is extreme, the erection of an independent stud incorporating acoustic materials will provide the greatest level of wall soundproofing. The stud constructed of metal ( componenets sold on this site or of 75mm * 50mm timber (3 inch by 2 inch), should be erected off the existing wall with a minimum of a 25mm gap. The stud work should not touch the offending wall at any point, and should be affixed to adjacent walls floor and ceiling. The stud work should be in-filled with the appropriate thickness of acoustic mineral wool, i.e. 75mm in this case. The construction on the stud wall follows the same pattern as the the other wall solutions ideally incorporating resilient bars (like Solution 2 and Solution 3) and certainly a double plasterboard layer. With this construction the filling of floor and ceiling voids with acoustic mineral wool (AMW60 100mm) immediately adjacent to the offending wall needs to be considered as this will typically be the weakest acoustic link post construction. In order to keep the wool in place it might be necessary to staple chicken wire or similar meshing to the rear of the stud work.

This construction can further be upgraded with the optional use of an acoustic membrane.

Image showing cross section of an independent stud wall with resilient bar and E-cousti membrane

Solution 5 - Soundproofing an exisitng Stud Wall

If you wish to buy this solution online we can calculate the materials you need. Just click the links below to be taken to the solution calculator:

50mm Stud Wall
50mm Stud Wall with optional acoustic membrane
75mm Stud Wall
75mm Stud Wall with optional acoustic membrane
100mm Stud Wall
100mm Stud Wall with optional acoustic membrane

Typically stud walls are built with physical separation of a room in mind. There is little consideration given to the acoustic performance of that wall. In many cases the wall will simply be constructed of 12.5mm plasterboard either side of a 50mm stud frame. To upgrade the wall you will need to remove the original plasterboard from one of the faces of the stud wall.

We offer two solutions that can significantly upgrade a stud wall, the second involving the use of an acoustic membrane. These solutions rely on increasing the mass, the absorbency and the resilience of the separating structure.

Or in plainer English you will increase the absorbency of the wall by adding high density acoustic mineral wool within the existing stud work. The resilience of the wall will be improved by adding resilient bars, these act to separate the new mass that you will be adding in the form of a double layer of acoustic plasterboards.

A further acoustic uplift can be achieved by adding an acoustic membrane to the stud wall between the resilient bars and stud wall. This should add a further 6+db of protection. The acoustic membrane should be hung from the stud work and resilient bars screwed through it as in solution 2.

Diagram of a cross section of a stud wall soundproofing solution with resilient bars and acoustic plasterboard and additional acoustic membrane

[End of Wall Soundproofing Section.]



Isosonic Timberfloor

The ISOSONIC TIMBERFLOOR provides safeguards against failure with ‘precompletion testing’.

  • Site tested performance far in excess of test requirements
  • Simple installation reducing workmanship errors
  • Integral flanking sound insulation, eliminating difficult edge strips
  • Detailed installation for floor, ceiling, downlighters and partitions- aiding the builder and specifier


  • A high performance, low cost and simple to install system.
  • Provides a unique integral barrier to flanking sound transmission which is the predominant cause of test failures.
  • ISORUBBER BASE is suitable for the direct application of timber and laminate floors without a board platform.

Below shows a detailed set up of isosonic rubber mat and hangers in place. We would recommend keeping the existing ceiling in place if you can.

Other possible hanger options


Isosonic Ceiling Hangers

a) The number of ceiling hangers required per square metre of floor will depend on the geometry of the room. Regular rectangular rooms require approximately 2.5 hangers per square metre of floor area.

b) Spacing of the ceiling hangers should not exceed 800mm.



Sound Insulation Performance Data



Monarfloor Deck Overlay Systems

Fig. Monarfloor Deck overlay system on a timber sub-floor with a resilient bar ceiling

Fig. Installation of Monarfloor Deck system onto a timber subfloor

The simplest way of improving the airborne and impact sound performance of an existing timber floor is to overlay the floor with an isolating layer and a new wearing surface. Monarfloor offers three deck overlay systems for such applications:

  • Monarfloor Deck 9 - designed for projects where the increase in floor level has to be kept to a minimum. Deck 9 consists of 8mm of LRAC foam bonded to 9mm thick moisture resistant M DF, giving an increase in floor level of only 17mm.
  • Monarfloor Deck 18 - designed for domestic timber floors where the existing timber deck remains. Deck 18 consists of a layer of LRAC foam bonded to18mm V313 P5 moisture resistant chipboard.
  • Monarfloor Deck 22 - designed for projects where a heavy domestic application is anticipated. Deck 22 consists of a layer of LRAC foam bonded to 22mm V313 P5 moisture resistant chipboard.

Monarfloor Deck overlay systems may be used in new build or refurbishment projects, over 18mm chipboard, OSB board or a decking ply sub floor. Monarfloor Deck overlay systems should be installed directly onto the sub-floor, in broken bond with all joints glued.


About Me

Pudong, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Project manager